Thursday, 16 August 2012
Hello there!
Whatzz up?
Tonight I am a bit confused about as to what I should talk about because its been a while since I actually did this blog. I've been actually doing my other blog called I guess I could talk about that blog since I recently did stuff on it. Okay so I am all about art but this blog is mainly for poems that inspire me to do things in my life. I know that that sounds a bit wierd of confusing but all I could think about when I write them is how they inspired me to change as a person. I know that this blog is supposed to be about artwork but I recently have nothing to talk about for art. In my past blogs I've written about anything that came to mind but now, all that comes to mind is my poetry. How the words flow with the paper or how much they made sense. If you are reading this blog, you should check out my other one at: because I can tell you that you wouldnt be disappointed. Peace out and always remember, have fun wherever you go, because life is a rollercoaster. You never know where you'll end up.
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Post For June 8th
Whatzz up?
Today I am going to talk about something that I've never done before. I know that this is supposed to be an art website, but lately I've been too busy to post any of my drawings. So today I am going to chat about my latest poem, called "Many Have Fallen" There is nothing special about this poem except the fact that it displays emotion and terror from a child's point of view when brutal violence takes place anywhere in front of them. I many have not experienced this fully but I did watch it and the horror that I've seen from those children's faces made me cry. That's what inspired me to write that poem. Many not realize it but the impact that we have on children can affect the outcome of what they become when they grow up. (Lucky for me, I when to my magical world when I am scared or mistreated badly and not notice it.) Another poem that I wouldn't mind sharing with you guys is the second latest one called "Touched by An Angel" This poem is about someone who has found that special someone and wants to stay with them until the day comes when they die. This is what I truly want for my life because then I would have something to live for. I would have something to die for and someone to love for the rest of my life. I dedicated this poem to all of those people who just need to be loved, who need to be lifted up, and who I truly love with all of my heart. I don't really know what else to say other than thank you for all of your support with this writing my heart out stuff, it’s kind of helping me realize that I'm not alone. That I am just like you all, searching for something to do, for someone to love and for a purpose in life. I am truly grateful that your all here, reading this. I know that this blog is for artistical purposes so, now I am going to chat a bit more about art. Some kinds of art that inspire me to create art would have to be transitional phases. This is when you don't even look at your paper. You just grab a pen or pencil and paper and stare deeply at something and just draw. It may look a bit bad, but as soon as it is perfected, you can create something extraordinary. I would know because I tried this method many times. The first time it was a bit horrible. The other times, I kept getting better and better until the last drawing that I did, I didn't even have to look at my page. By the time I was done, the page looked alright. (P.S. I had to try this many times in order for it to look great. Plus, it doesn't help when the thing that you are trying to draw wouldn't stay in one spot.) Anyways, since this is my last blog, I am going to post my latest poem. I hope that you enjoy it.
Many Have Fallen
There are many who have fallen,
Soldiers perish,
The ground filled with blood,
The sky a misty colour,
Not a pretty sight,
Swords everywhere,
Pain and sorrow,
Tears drop,
There are many who have fallen,
Some men,
Some Women,
Most of them,
Ripped away from their childhood,
From their parents,
We just stand there,
Crying out for them,
And now,
Here we are.
Many have fallen,
I'm just lucky,
Those who perished,
Died for me,
And now, I die for them.
For more poems, visit:
Friday, 25 May 2012
Random Stuff, Anticipation of New Concepts
Whatzz up?
Today, I am going to talk about everything that I have done before. (The anime, Sims 3, etc.) I really don’t have anything else to talk about, although I do have a fresh picture for all of you guys to see. It is related to my last blog post about Pokémon. This is my Pokémon that I drew.
Anyways, all I am talking about is random stuff because I don’t really know what else to talk about with you guys. I do have a poetry website that is very artsy. It is all about poems that I wrote and that of some that others have wrote. One thing that I can’t wait for is the time when people in the world develop a new style of art. Some don’t want this to happen because many love the older concepts of art. I on the other hand love all kinds of art work. (This includes: drawings, calligraphy, writing, sketching, anime, poetry, science, and math) I love all kinds of methods of art work no matter how they create it but on what the work is. (Like a drawing, you can use whatever utensil you want to create the work, but the picture in the end is what we all anticipate for.) There are many concepts of art that I talk about and yet, I never once showed you what I was talking about because I always forgot to take a picture of it and upload here. There are pictures that I drew on this blog that is uploaded but it shows only one concept of artwork that I talked about. So, I promise you that over the next week, all of my drawings, paintings, and sketches are going to be on here for you guys to view. This promise will not be broken.
For the poetry website visit:
Friday, 18 May 2012
My Pokemon Drawings
Whatzz Up?
Today I am going to talk about drawings that poke fans do! I am a very huge fan of the Pokémon series. I recently played many of their games and collected nearly 463 Pokémon! Anyways, What I want to chat about is the fact that many talented people go into creating these games. The graphics as well as the player combinations are slowly growing. I love the fact that these people are creating brand new Pokémon for every game. But the thing is, will they continue with it? That always got to me, whether or not if they are making more Pokémon games. Anyways, I just want to say that after a long time of playing the popular games, I have found the ability to create some of my own Pokémon. (But I forgot to bring a cord to upload the picture(s) so I will only show pictures of what they look like by the originals) one of them is a replica of
the starter pokemon in the newest region-Oshawott. Creating a drawing modelled after that pokemon was an honor to do. It was also a very simple drawing. Many people don’t realize it but drawing pokemon characters aren’t as hard as many of you may think. Many think that it is very difficult but what is being difficult is not the picture but your drawing. (Meaning, you either picked a drawing that you can’t draw to your speciations or maybe you just aren’t a very good drawer. On offense to all who think that.) Now back to the drawing that I drew, it looks like Oshawott but the only difference there is, is that it has smaller ears and bigger eyes. I call it “Buggiot”. Very cute but also very powerful because it’s ability is SENSE. With that the pokemon can sense any defensive barriers and make them fall. I am still working on the rest of the starters. But for now, Buggiot is the only starter pokemon in the Unova Region!!! Stay tuned. In replace of my drawing, I will post an actual picture of Oshawott.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Blog Post for March 30th 2012
Today I am going to talk about my assignment called media. I know that on this blog I should be talking about art (mostly) but again I have no art concepts to talk about. (May be next week) Anyways, here I am talking about my assignment. It’s about horses. Did you know that horses used to be the size of a deer? Interesting. Anyways, the whole idea about this assignment is so that I could recognize the buttons and what they do in most of the programs. Now changing the subject, I wrote a bunch of new poems that need to be tested out. They are mostly about someone accomplishing their dreams and goals. I never really write poems about how I feel, I mean that is kind of hard for me considering that nothing in my life is really going on. I mean, I have no romance in my life so I can’t write about someone falling in love and I can’t write about death because nothing and no one in my life has died (that I know of) so, what can I write about? Answer-I mostly write about characters that experience these things. So I guess you can say that my poems that are considered deep, are really not talked about and the ones that are, are fake feelings. I sometimes never even know where I get those feelings. Sad, really. Oh well. Changing the subject (one last time), I always liked to draw graphic art. It makes a lot of challenges for me artistically and helps me develop a technic visually. Whenever I draw these pictures I feel like my creative mind takes control and some-what takes over. When I am drawing, I don’t even know where I am most of the time. Anyways, this blog entry is for the one that I missed on March 30th, 2012.
P.S.-I promise that after this, I will stop repeating entries (Subjects rather) and post some of my own work.
Friday, 16 March 2012
Graphic ArtWork
Whatzz Up!
Friday, 9 March 2012
3 Reasons of What I Think....
Whatzz UP!!!
It’s been awhile and although I have nothing really to talk about, I will continue this post. Today I had many encounters with art work. Every day I have ideas that nobody but me hears, so today I will share some of them. First idea that I have is that what if people create artwork on a much bigger scale? I mean it would be kind of cool; creating visuals so big that people from space could see it that would be cool. Also, what if people who are talent come out and show it to others? The art community would be a lot more diverse. (Not saying that it isn’t, it’s just a little small- I think) I haven’t really drawn anything in the past few weeks because I was not inspired to do so. When I am though, I will post all of them on the ‘My Pictures’ page. Sorry of the inconvenience. The second idea that I have is that what if there was no art at all? That would be scary but if that happens, then I will be prepared. Why? Because I have lots of paints, pastels, pencils, charcoals and the list goes on. If art disappears then at least I have something that nobody can take away from me- my writing. If visual art goes away then writing and literature will be left and that’s a form of art. The last and final thought that I have, is that art is a language. Why? Because in the ancient times, the people communicated with depictions of daily life on walls, papyrus, and smooth wooden panels. They would either paint on them or carve into them. The pictures eventually turned into letters and then into our common languages today. (Again I am so terribly sorry for not posting a picture of my art. But when I have something new, I will post it. Today I will post a picture of this lost- hidden language.)
It’s been awhile and although I have nothing really to talk about, I will continue this post. Today I had many encounters with art work. Every day I have ideas that nobody but me hears, so today I will share some of them. First idea that I have is that what if people create artwork on a much bigger scale? I mean it would be kind of cool; creating visuals so big that people from space could see it that would be cool. Also, what if people who are talent come out and show it to others? The art community would be a lot more diverse. (Not saying that it isn’t, it’s just a little small- I think) I haven’t really drawn anything in the past few weeks because I was not inspired to do so. When I am though, I will post all of them on the ‘My Pictures’ page. Sorry of the inconvenience. The second idea that I have is that what if there was no art at all? That would be scary but if that happens, then I will be prepared. Why? Because I have lots of paints, pastels, pencils, charcoals and the list goes on. If art disappears then at least I have something that nobody can take away from me- my writing. If visual art goes away then writing and literature will be left and that’s a form of art. The last and final thought that I have, is that art is a language. Why? Because in the ancient times, the people communicated with depictions of daily life on walls, papyrus, and smooth wooden panels. They would either paint on them or carve into them. The pictures eventually turned into letters and then into our common languages today. (Again I am so terribly sorry for not posting a picture of my art. But when I have something new, I will post it. Today I will post a picture of this lost- hidden language.)
Friday, 17 February 2012
Music brings Us Together
Whats up?
Today I am going to talk about music since I have no pictures to post. I have many styles of music that I love, but there is nothing better than playing it. I love playing music because it shows my creative side, and how much I really care about it. I am in a band that plays classy music. Music to me speaks words when they are played. I started playing when I was a little over the age of 10. It was difficult at first and quite frankly I didn’t like it. What really made me like it was the fact that everyone in the band was enjoying themselves. So, I had to work hard in order to be accepted into the band permanently. Till this day I still play in a band. To me, it’s not just about the music, its more about the fun that we have during practice. Anyways, I bet you still want to hear about the song choices that I like to listen to. Okay, here they are:
1. Rock’n Roll
2. Rap
3. R&B
4. Pop
5. Classical
6. R&B & Rap
7. Alternative
And more but these are the ones that come to mind right now. My favourite artists to sing or play music for would have to be easy ones. Although I do like a challenge, so sometimes I do some of the harder songs. No matter the difficulty, I always tend to have fun in some sort. What’s your favourite artist/songwriter? I may have many, but never a favourite one because I simply can’t choose. Basically what I am trying to say is that no matter what you like in music, you have the ability to share it with someone else and create fun together. PEACE OUT!!! <3
Friday, 3 February 2012
Photo Shop & The Game Called Sims 3
Have any of you ever done photo shop? Do you find it hard and unreasonable to work through? For me, I never had these problems, but I almost did. I love to create graphic art and many weird pictures that seem like they look even more beautiful than that of when they once were. I never thought that it would be so hard to navigate through. Have you ever played video games? What kinds? My favourite video game is The Sims 3. It’s an interactive game where you control the people, the objects and where you basically pick a life for them until they die. You can create families, friends and whatever else your sim desires. Now how does this tie into art and Photoshop? Easy. Many people use software to create this game and even people that didn’t create it used software similar to Photoshop. In order to make items look more real. Over the months, the creators issue new attachments to this game. They create them in order to enhance life for your Sims town. This makes the game seem more real. When creating a sim person, you have to mold it from another computer generated one. (This is like Photoshop) The multiple items that you put and create on it, the more it changes and becomes what you think of as your creation. Then after you’re done, you have the choice of saving it and reusing it for future references, or sharing it with the world. People who uses it, uses it the way that you used the computer one. (This is like the process that Photoshop does. Once you share it, people can use it and create something of their own. One of the expansion packs that I just can’t wait for to come out would be, the Showtime, and the Pets.
Friday, 13 January 2012
Anime! Anime! ANIME!
Hey! Whatzz up?
Today I am going to chat about anime drawings that I drew. One of them is a picture of a girl dressed up in a highly beautiful gown and is in a position that is considered very hard to draw. While I was drawing her, I thought of the character in the movie that I was watching. It got my attention and that’s how I just started to draw. While I was drawing her, the thought never crossed my mind and well, she turned out a little shaky and a little bit bad, she still turned out to be quite a work of art. The other on that I drew was one that of a teacher. She came to my mind while I was watching Evan Almighty. I don’t get why I sketched her, but I did. Now that one turned out to be quite something. I am sorry if the pictures are a bit too blurry for you guys to see but they are quite good. Someday I will put up some more of my drawings when I can. In the meantime, I also want to chat about the different kinds of Anime that you could draw. I only have a couple on this website, but there are also some that you can do with a graphic program or paint. Use your imagination. I know that when I try to draw some of the harder ones of anime, it never turns out because the artists choose to mark it with their style. So, when you draw something and someone else tries to copy it, it will never turn out to be the same. I am sure that no matter what the drawing that you do, it will turn out to be the way that you intend it to be. I hope that you like it and please, comment and help find another topic to write about. Thanks!!!!!
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