Thursday, 16 August 2012

Hello there!

Hey! Whatzz up? Tonight I am a bit confused about as to what I should talk about because its been a while since I actually did this blog. I've been actually doing my other blog called I guess I could talk about that blog since I recently did stuff on it. Okay so I am all about art but this blog is mainly for poems that inspire me to do things in my life. I know that that sounds a bit wierd of confusing but all I could think about when I write them is how they inspired me to change as a person. I know that this blog is supposed to be about artwork but I recently have nothing to talk about for art. In my past blogs I've written about anything that came to mind but now, all that comes to mind is my poetry. How the words flow with the paper or how much they made sense. If you are reading this blog, you should check out my other one at: because I can tell you that you wouldnt be disappointed. Peace out and always remember, have fun wherever you go, because life is a rollercoaster. You never know where you'll end up.