Friday 17 February 2012

Music brings Us Together

Whats up?
Today I am going to talk about music since I have no pictures to post. I have many styles of music that I love, but there is nothing better than playing it. I love playing music because it shows my creative side, and how much I really care about it. I am in a band that plays classy music.  Music to me speaks words when they are played. I started playing when I was a little over the age of 10. It was difficult at first and quite frankly I didn’t like it. What really made me like it was the fact that everyone in the band was enjoying themselves. So, I had to work hard in order to be accepted into the band permanently. Till this day I still play in a band. To me, it’s not just about the music, its more about the fun that we have during practice. Anyways, I bet you still want to hear about the song choices that I like to listen to. Okay, here they are:
1.       Rock’n Roll
2.       Rap
3.       R&B
4.       Pop
5.       Classical
6.       R&B & Rap
7.       Alternative
And more but these are the ones that come to mind right now. My favourite artists to sing or play music for would have to be easy ones. Although I do like a challenge, so sometimes I do some of the harder songs. No matter the difficulty, I always tend to have fun in some sort. What’s your favourite artist/songwriter? I may have many, but never a favourite one because I simply can’t choose.  Basically what I am trying to say is that no matter what you like in music, you have the ability to share it with someone else and create fun together.  PEACE OUT!!! <3

Friday 3 February 2012

Photo Shop & The Game Called Sims 3


Whatz up??
Have any of you ever done photo shop? Do you find it hard and unreasonable to work through? For me, I never had these problems, but I almost did. I love to create graphic art and many weird pictures that seem like they look even more beautiful than that of when they once were. I never thought that it would be so hard to navigate through. Have you ever played video games? What kinds? My favourite video game is The Sims 3. It’s an interactive game where you control the people, the objects and where you basically pick a life for them until they die. You can create families, friends and whatever else your sim desires. Now how does this tie into art and Photoshop? Easy. Many people use software to create this game and even people that didn’t create it used software similar to Photoshop. In order to make items look more real. Over the months, the creators issue new attachments to this game. They create them in order to enhance life for your Sims town. This makes the game seem more real. When creating a sim person, you have to mold it from another computer generated one. (This is like Photoshop) The multiple items that you put and create on it, the more it changes and becomes what you think of as your creation. Then after you’re done, you have the choice of saving it and reusing it for future references, or sharing it with the world. People who uses it, uses it the way that you used the computer one. (This is like the process that Photoshop does. Once you share it, people can use it and create something of their own. One of the expansion packs that I just can’t wait for to come out would be, the Showtime, and the Pets.