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To see more, go to: http://www.elvincountry.com/discover-ta ssili-rock-art-in-algeria.html&docid=1DyA7S2Q ScQxhM&imgurl=http://www.elvincou ntry.com/travel-images/1310956 1.jpg&w=319&h=304&ei =8RGrTumxGaXr0QHFoO2gDw&zoom=1& iact=hc&vpx=754&vpy=364&dur=13&hovh =219&hovw=230&tx=111&ty=94&sig =107153545445021549379&page=1&tbnh=175&tbnw=184& start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0 |
Many people don’t think of the different kinds of art. Today I am going to talk about rock art. Now the only kind of art that I did before drawing was rock art. There are many different ways to do rock art as well. There is the first way where you can paint the rock with non -washable colours, with lots of colourful designs. My favourite kind of rock art is where you try to interpret the rock structure of it and actually draw it to scale. This can be very challenging so it is very rare. But there was a kind of people from the first nations where they used rock structures to mark their places. To me this is considered art. The only art drawing of a rock structure that I did was the drawing of a rock person with arms and legs- the works. When I was little, I did a rock picture. But it wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. All the paint smudged and the lines of black mixed with the colours made it seem even worse. The worse part or rock painting is that when you’re done; you have to put a clear coat of some sort so that it prevents the colour from fading. Or else the rock would just look like a rock and not a piece of art. I hated this too about this form of art. Here’s something for you, did you know that rock art was used in ancient times? I did not know that, either. Anyways, the ancient people of the past used it to create hieroglyphics, some of them disappeared though and some of the history recorded on them, gone! Oh well. After the centuries pass, it disappeared completely until the Inuit used it to mark their place. That is why I love this form of art; also it is very beautiful when done the right way.
To see more go to: http://artalika.com/painted_rocks/animals/10anim.htm&docid=y95uVIkUt8aaWM&imgurl= http://artalika.com/painted_rocks/animals/panda1.jpg&w=376&h=400&ei= lRGrTrWQFMfq0gHftr21Dw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1019& vpy=509&dur=882&hovh=232&hovw=218&tx=169&ty=143&sig=107153545445021549379& page=3&tbnh=157&tbnw=138&start=40&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:40 |
1 comment:
I enjoy reading your blogs Sam. I like that you feature a different genre of art each week and always include images. Keep up the good work! 16/16
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